Counteracting the threat of corruption
Information on corruption incidents
Whenever reference is made to:
- corruption - it ought to be understood as an act or failure to act, as well as a promise of such conduct, in order to obtain undue advantage transferred, promised or implied, both property and personal, directly or indirectly, which exhausts the characteristics of the prohibited act specified in art. . 228 § 1-6 and art. 229 § 1-5 and art. 230 and art. 231 § 2 of the Penal Code;
- corruption incident - it shall mean any event as a result of which there has been a suspected violation or violation of a law or provisions contained in internal regulations, which have the hallmarks of abuse of function, leading to undue financial or material benefits;
- corruption risks - it ought to be understood as situations and circumstances that contribute to or facilitate the commission of a corruption offense in a therapeutic entity.
How to notify the Plenipotentiary for Counteracting Corruption Threats about an incident:
- The possibility of reporting a corruption incident at the Institute of Mother and Child in any form, in particular by means of:
- a parcel sent to the Institute's address via traditional mail;
- a parcel delivered on the spot at the Institute's office;
- e-mail to the e-mail address: antykorupcja@imid.med.pl.
- The parcel with the notification of the occurrence of a corruption incident should include the note: "For the Plenipotentiary for counteracting corruption threats". The parcel is not subject to opening in the General Office and after registration in the correspondence journal is forwarded directly to the Plenipotentiary for counteracting corruption threats.
- The reporting person shall be each time notified by the Plenipotentiary for Counteracting Corruption Threats about the way of processing the application.
The minimum application requirements should include:
- personal details and address of the reporting person, contact phone number;
- personal details of the person concerned;
- description of the corruption incident;
- location of the corruption incident, i.e. indication of the organizational unit;
- evidence;
- date and legible signature of the reporting person.
If you want to remain anonymous, you can provide information without entering your details. This may make it difficult to explain all the circumstances, but please be sure that the matter will find its solution.
Anonymous reporting can also be made at the Central Anti-Corruption Bureau.
Useful links:
Please find below the Codes of Ethics (only available in Polish):
medical: http://www.nil.org.pl/__data/assets/pdf_file/0003/4764/Kodeks-Etyki-Lekarskiej.pdf
nurse and midwife: http://www.oipip-suw.osti.pl/onas/kodeks.pdf
laboratory diagnostics: http://docplayer.pl/7701252-Kodeks-etyki-diagnosty-laboratoryjnego.html
researcher: http://www.nauka.gov.pl/g2/oryginal/2014_02/2ae2188ff8670eed98ede50de1e9007f.pdf
dietetics: http://docplayer.pl/7700907-Kodeks-etyki-zawodowej-dietetyka-rzeczypospolitej-polskiej.html
physiotherapist: http://zgptf2.linuxpl.info/files/kodeks.pdf
psychologist: http://www.ptp.org.pl/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=29