ISO Certifications
The efforts to constantly improve organisational standards, including developing quality of medical services, have outcome in obtaining a certificate ISO 9001:2000 for the Institute of Mother and Child on 16th December 2008. It includes activities on scientific research, research and development works, postgraduate training, prophylaxis, stationary and ambulatory treatment and giving opinions on products.
Efforts to continuously improve organizational standards, including improving the quality of medical services have resulted in the ISO 9001: 2015 certificate being obtained by the Mother and Child Institute in Warsaw on June 28, 2018, covering activities in the field of scientific research, research and development works, post-graduate training, stationary and outpatient prevention and treatment.
The policy of implementing the latest management standards was initiated as early as June 2004. After several months of work, a Quality Management System in accordance with the ISO 9001: 2000 Standard was implemented in the Admission Room of the Institute of Mother and Child. The first certification of the system took place in December 2004 and was carried out by an external independent certification body DEKRA Certification Sp. z o.o.
Bearing in mind the mission of IMID and the very high pressure of the Institute's management on improving the quality standards of medical services offered, it was decided to expand the scope of the Quality Management System at all levels of the Institute's management. With the great commitment of the Institute's Directorate, Director's Proxy for Quality Management System and all employees of the Institute, the process of implementing the Quality Management System was successfully carried out in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2000. It has become significant to strengthen the image of the hospital on the medical services market, to meet the growing expectations of such demanding Patients as children are for the most part. The implementation of a quality management system in accordance with the ISO 9001: 2000 standard was a very complex process requiring the involvement of all organizational resources, including the most important human resources.
The process of implementing the quality management system included training for the Hospital Management, the medical and non-medical management staff of the Institute and other employees, as well as creating documentation of the quality management system in the area of administration and medical services provided by the Institute. The last stage is the Institute's accession to the certification audit of an independent certification body.
The implementation of the quality management system has contributed to the ongoing knowledge of current and future needs of patients through systematic implementation of patient satisfaction surveys. This allowed for continuous improvement of patients' satisfaction in the services provided. The hospital analyzes various quality indicators, reports them and takes effective actions, e.g. in the field of monitoring hospital infections, quality objectives, medical records, etc. It contributes to the development of the teamwork model. In retrospect, the impact of the implemented quality management system on daily work is noticed by:
- ordering the responsibilities of each employee,
- enabling checking in doubtful situations what actions should be taken,
- increasing the level of concentration and care for patient satisfaction,
- making entries needed for the proper functioning of the Institute
One of the most important advantages of this system is the establishment in the hospital of people responsible for the quality of processes and periodic reviews of the system by facility managers. Thanks to this, processes at IMID will be constantly improved in order to better meet the needs of patients.
The Poznań company MS QUALITY was a competent advisor in the process of implementing the Quality Management System and training.
ISO 9001: 2015 certification at IMID was carried out by DEKRA Certification Sp. z o.o.
On June 28, 2018, a certification audit was carried out at the Institute of Mother and Child for compliance with ISO 14001: 2015. It included activities in the field of scientific research, research and development works, post-graduate training, prophylaxis and inpatient and outpatient treatment. Based on the submitted report, the Environmental Management System was found to meet the requirements of the standard. An independent audit was carried out by the renowned German certification body DEKRA Certification based in Stuttgart.
The Environmental Management System ISO 14001: 2015 has been integrated with the Quality Management System ISO 9001: 2008, which the Institute of Mother and Child has had since 16.12.2008. This is another step in improving the Institute's operation. The ISO 14001: 2004 standard is a tool that, when properly used, can bring great benefits not only for the environment, but also for the Institute itself. Here are some of them:
- pollution prevention, which in turn leads to minimizing the consumption of materials, raw materials, energy,
- meeting legal requirements in the field of environmental protection by creating systemic supervision over compliance with them,
- anticipating future legal requirements by developing an appropriate culture and environmental awareness among management and persolene,
- taking all measures to limit the harmful impact of the activity on the natural environment.
- reducing the impact on the environment through the implementation of environmental objectives,
- increasing the credibility and acceptance of all medical services provided by the Institute,
- The Institute is seen as an environmentally friendly entity,
- The Institute guarantees the security of services and medical processes, and proper handling of medical waste.
By integrating the requirements of both of the above standards into one comprehensive system, it is possible to efficiently manage quality and environmental processes at the Institute.