HR Excellence in Research award
July 2016 - The Institute received the prestigious ‘HR Excellence in Research’ award
We are pleased to announce that according to the information received regarding HRS4R Renewal Phase External Assessment EC Consensus Outcome, i.e. as a result of an audit carried out at IMC on May 19, 2023 by the evaluators of the European Commission, The Institute of Mother and Child can continue to use the 'HR Excellence in Research' award to help promote itself as a provider of a stimulating and favourable work environment for researchers for another 36 months.
HR Excellence in Research is awarded by the European Commission to European scientific institutions which implement the provisions of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. By implementing the Charter and Code's rules, the institutions agree to develop attractive working environment and open, transparent recruitment of researchers.
'internal analysis Institute of Mother and Child'
The OTM-R package is a set of ready-made tools for implementation at universities and research institutions in order to provide an Open, Transparent and Merit-Based Recruitment (OTM-R) of researchers based on the candidate's qualifications.
OTM-R is one of the key aspects ensuring the availability and openness of the labour market for researchers in the European Union.
The OTM-R package includes:
- analysis of the benefits of open, transparent and merit-based recruitment of researchers based on the candidate's qualifications,
- principles and guidelines for the organization of the OTM-R process,
- a checklist for institutions,
- tips on how to improve the recruitment process,
- examples of good practices.
The implementation of the OTM-R principles may have significant impact on intensifying international cooperation in the field of scientific research, as well as increasing the effectiveness of the entire system of employing researchers.
more information on „HR Excellence in Research”: http://ec.europa.eu/euraxess/index.cfm/rights/index
OTM-R in the Institute of Mother and Child
Regulations of the competition commission
Regulations for the evaluation of scientific and technical achievements
Scientific promotion procedures
March 2022
Internal review (renewal phase) and extended HR strategy until 2024
OTMR checklist (renewal phase)