Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Roughly 1600 babies are born each year at the IMC and ca. 2000 surgeries are performed. The Clinic focuses primarily on:
Pregnancy, childbirth and post-partum disorders, in particular preterm birth problems and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR);
- Prenatal diagnostic testing,
- Developmental age gynaecology,
- Pregnancy and postpartum care,
- Preconception care,
- Prevention, diagnostics and treatment of tumours/cancer,
- Birth control advice,
- Gynaecological endocrinology,
- Perinatology.
Research activities of the Clinic's doctors focus on maternal – foetal medicine, fertility problems, perinatology and women's diseases. The clinic has a special Interdisciplinary Team for Researching Foetal Defects
The Clinic delivers:
- Ministry of Science and Higher Education grants
- Clinical studies
- Research projects in cooperation with institutions such as National AIDS Information Centre
- As a joint programme conducted with the Post-Graduate Medical Training Centre, the Clinic offers courses and post-graduate programmes for doctors specialising in obstetrics and gynaecology.
- The Clinic offers training to obstetrics students of Warsaw Medical University, Faculty of Health Sciences.
- The Clinic is certified to offer obstetrics and gynaecology internships and partial internship programmes for other specialisations.
- In cooperation with Warsaw Medical University, the Clinic hosts WMU's Student Science Club.
- Obstetrics – Gynaecology Admissions
- Gynaecology Unit
- Perinatology Unit
- Obstetrics Unit
- Surgery Block
- Labour Ward
- Obstetrics – Gynaecology Ultrasound Lab
- Obstetrics – Gynaecology Consultation Clinic
- Foetal Diagnosis and Therapy Ultrasound Lab
Zapisy: | 22 32 77 438 |
Lokalizacja: | Teren Szpitala Wolskiego, Pawilon 10, ul. Kasprzaka 17 |
1953 – The Motherhood Ward is established in Municipal Gynaecology and Obstetrics Hospital in Madalińskiego Street.
In 1975, the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic of IMC was established in Szpital Wolski. Building X housed Obstetrics and Newborns Unit with 93 beds for patients with pregnancy problems and ca. 45 cots for newborns. The Gynaecology Unit was located in Building VIII.
Between 1975 and 1985, the Chief of OGC also worked as Regional Obstetrics and Gynaecology Consultant for Warsaw voivodeship and between 1980 and October 1991 – as Head of National Expert Team in Obstetrics and Gynaecology.
As part of the national supervision system, Prof. Michał Troszyński developed reports with detailed analyses of mortality rates of women during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period. The analyses were further expanded by data on early mortality of foetuses and newborns and has been continued by Prof. Troszyński to date.
In years 1975–1977, new perinatal medicine rules were introduced during training for heads of obstetrics units and regional consultants. The new regulations were transformed into an annual obligatory course organised by the Centre for Post-Graduate Medical Training. The programme was hosted by the Institute of Mother and Child and Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Institutes of medical universities.
Between 1987 and 1993 the Clinic was renovated, with only two units operating throughout the period – Early Pregnancy Disorders in Building VI and Gynaecology in Building VIII.
In 1993 the rebuilt clinic was reopened in Building X. With the long reconstruction completed, the building could better accommodate and offered better conditions to mothers and children. The new Labour Ward had four separate delivery rooms suitable for family delivery.
Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic of the Institute of Mother and Child received Ministry of Health 3(+) reference rating in perinatology. It is the highest supra-regional level of qualification.
The clinic was managed by:
1975–1992 – Prof. Michał Troszyński
1992–2002 – Prof. Bogdan Chazan
2002–2007 – Prof. Krzysztof Tomasz Niemiec
NFZ-funded medical care
Surgical gynaecology:
- Abdominal surgery,
- Endoscopic diagnostics and surgery (laparoscopy, hysteroscopy),
- Urinary incontinence treatment procedures,
Urinary incontinence treatment procedures.
Diagnostics and treatment of infertility:
- Laparoscopic and hysteroscopic diagnostics and treatment of infertility,
- Sono-HSG,
Appointments for qualification for the procedures listed above are taken from Monday to Friday, from 7:30 to 8:30 am and from 2:00 to 2:30 pm, phone: +48 22 32 77 030 or in person at the Consultation Point, address: ul. Kasprzaka 17, Szpital Wolski, Building X, Room 2.
Outpatient gynaecological procedures:
- Diagnostic endocervical curettage,
- Biopsy of cervix, vagina, vulva,
- Other gynaecological procedures.
Patients are qualified for outpatient procedures in the Clinic's Admissions between 11:00 am and 2:00 pm. The patient is required to bring current test results and a referral from her gynaecologist.
Childbirth in IMC
The costs of childbirth at the Institute of Mother and Child is covered by the National Health Fund (NFZ). Nearly 2 thousand babies are born in our Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic each year.
Roughly 4500 women in labour are given anaesthesia in IMC, including ca. 2000 in the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic. In the Labour Ward, our anaesthesiology team provides labour epidural anaesthesia on demand.
Hospital admission
Patients are admitted to the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic by a midwife in the Admissions Unit.
The patient is directed to a specific unit after giving her history and going through a medical examination.
Patients admitted to the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic are then asked to sign all necessary consent forms and documents. After completing the admission procedure, the patient is transferred by the midwife to a relevant unit.
Obstetrics Admissions, phone: +48 22 32 77 438
Building X, Szpital Wolski,
Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic, Institute of Mother and Child
The patient is asked about her general and pregnancy history already in Admissions. Documents collected throughout the pregnancy serve as an additional source of information for medical professionals.
Necessary documents:
- identity card or passport
- personal maternity record,
- results of tests performed during pregnancy (must be validated by the stamps of the examination clinic and medical professional who conducted the examinations):
- Blood type – only original document
- WR
- Toxoplasmosis
- Morphology
- Cervical smear
- UA
- Cytomegalovirus
- All ultrasound scans, including the first and one made after the 36th week of pregnancy
- Other tests done during pregnancy – discharge forms from any earlier hospital stays during the current pregnancy.
Useful information / documents:
NIP (taxpayer ID) of the mother's employer,
- NIP of the child's father's employer,
- Personal details (first name, surname, address, phone number, PESEL number, ID number) next of kin to be notified, if necessary.
What do I put in my hospital bag?
- 2–3 nightgowns – best made of cotton and with a front fastening
- Nursing bra
- Dressing gown
- Slippers
- Shower shoes
- Toiletries
- Bath towel
- Sanitary towels or maternity pads
- Disposable maternity briefs
- Your medications, if taken regularly
- Non-carbonated, pure water
It is a good idea to wear comfortable, casual, clean clothes and comfortable shoes.
Change for vending machines to pay for coffee, sandwiches, drinks.
For the baby:
- 4 cotton onesies or shirts
- 3 suits or sleepers
- 2 hats
- Gloves
- Socks
- Reusable (tetra) nappies (5 should be enough)
- Disposable nappies
- Swaddle wrap
- Baby blanket
- Hooded towel
- To leave – baby clothes depending on the season – a infant needs one more layer than an adult does.
Each IMC maternity unit has Nivea Baby available for use by every mother.
While we do not limit visitations, it is with the safety of the newborns in mind that we request persons with diseases to refrain from visiting. We also request young children not to be brought to visit.
Psychological care
Free psychological assistance can be obtained by any patient of the Labour Ward on weekdays between 8:00 am and 2:30 pm.
Spiritual support
Father Jerzy Panek is available by phone or in person every day, phone: +48 666 854 44.
While staying at the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic, patients receive three meals per day, whereas patients on a diabetic diet receive five meals. The meals are delivered by a contracted catering agency and are prepared in accordance with current dietary recommendations. The diet can be modified to accommodate the needs of patients with: food intolerances, phenylketonuria, coeliac disease as well as vegetarian, non-dairy and other diets.
Breakfast is served around 8:00 am, lunch around 1:00 pm, supper around 5:00 pm.
Healthy breastfeeding
Proper nutrition during pregnancy and breastfeeding is one of the key factors influencing a baby's development. Dietary rules and tips for breastfeeding mothers are provided in the special information card developed by Institute of Mother and Child specialists.
Lactation tips
The midwives at the Obstetrics Unit have expertise to provide lactation assistance. In the case of more serious breastfeeding problems the IMC offers advice from lactation experts. After being discharged from the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic, our patients can continue to receive free advice and assistance in difficult situations, a telephone appointment is required.
Lactation support and advice is also provided by IMC's Lactation Disorders Clinic. http://www.imid.med.pl/pl/main-menu/dzialalnosc-kliniczna/poradnie-specjalistyczne/poradnie-ogolne/poradnia-zaburzen-laktacji
Oncological Gynaecology Unit
Our services:
Our Gynaecology Unit offers diagnostics and treatment of female genital diseases: cancer, benign changes, fertility problems, urinary incontinence and female genital prolapse.
With high-class endoscopic equipment, minimally-invasive techniques are applied, which substantially shortens the hospital stay and recovery. Our cooperation with radiotherapy and chemotherapy units and post-treatment care provided by the oncology clinic ensures health care continuity for patients with diagnosed cancer.
Oncological gynaecology:
• Debulking surgery of advanced ovarian cancer (multiple organ resections),
• Open and laparoscopic surgical treatment of endometrial and cervical cancer,
• Open and laparoscopic surgical removal of pelvic and retroperitoneal lymph nodes,
• Removal of vulvar cancer with plastic reconstruction,
• Preventive surgery in patients with genetic mutations causing high risk of genital cancer/
Surgical gynaecology:
• Open surgeries: uterine myomectomy, removal of corpus uteri, ovarian growths including a histopathology examination during surgery,
• Laparoscopic procedures: removal of ovarian cyst, preventive procedures, uterine myomectomy, hysterectomy,
• Hysteroscopic procedures: removal of uterine polyps, myomectomy, diagnostics after the treatment of precancerous conditions, diagnostics of congenital defects,
• LEEP procedure, surgical cervical conisation,
• Urinary incontinence treatment procedures,
• Surgical treatment of pelvic organ prolapse.
Diagnostics and treatment of infertility:
• Laparoscopic and hysteroscopic diagnostics and treatment of infertility,
• Transvaginal endoscopy (TVE),
• Sono-HSG,
Appointments for qualification for the procedures listed above are taken from Monday to Friday, from 7:00 to 6:00 pm, phone: +48 22 32 77 050
Outpatient gynaecological procedures:
• Diagnostic endocervical curettage,
• Biopsy of cervix, vagina, vulva,
• Other gynaecological procedures.
Patients are qualified for outpatient procedures in the clinic's Admissions between 11:00 am and 2:00. The patient is required to bring current test results and a referral from her gynaecologist.
Admissions to Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic
Admissions room is located on the ground floor, on the right of the entrance. Phone: +48 22 32 77 438.
Admissions Office operates on emergency duty 24 hours per day.
This is where we consult emergency cases and admit patients to the Clinic.
Admissions includes a treatment room with an ultrasound scanner and a foetal CTG room.
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Team 22 32 77 438 Pawilon X, Wolski Hospital |
Foetal Defect Unit
Non-invasive diagnostic prenatal testing:
- Ultrasonographic foetal examination,
- PAPP-A test,
- Foetal MRI.
Invasive diagnostic prenatal testing
- Genetic amniocentsis,
- Amniocentesis test for toxoplasmosis,
- Trophoblast biopsy,
- Percutaneous umbilical cord blood sampling (PUBS),
Admission to the Clinic is made upon a referral from the patient's attending doctor during pregnancy and the latest ultrasound scan results.
Appointments for tests and procedures listed above are made from Monday to Friday, between 7:30 and 8:30 am and 2:00 and 2:30 pm, phone: +48 22 32 770 30, or in person at the Consultation Point, address: ul. Kasprzaka 17, Szpital Wolski, Building X, Room 2.
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Head of Clinic Tomasz Maciejewski MD PhD 22 32 77 044 klinika.poloznictwa@imid.med.pl Pawilon X, Wolski Hospital |
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Nurse Iwona Matysiak 22 32 77 011 |
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Coordinating Nurse mgr Irena Kulicka 22 32 77 019 |