Cystic Fibrosis Center
Cystic Fibrosis Center
Cystic Fibrosis Clinic
Sweat Test Lab
Allergology, Cystic Fibrosis and Lung Disease Unit
Theoretical Department
- Zakład Usprawniania Leczniczego
- Zakład Badań Przesiewowych
- Poradnia Ginekologii dla dziewcząt
- Poradnia Otolaryngologiczna
- Poradnia Diabetologiczna
- Poradnia Ortopedyczna
- Gabinet Antropologiczny
- Zakład Diagnostyki Obrazowej
- Zakład Genetyki Medycznej
- Zakład Kardiologii
- Klinika i Poradnia Chirurgii Dzieci i Młodzieży
- Oddział Chirurgii Kręgosłupa
- Zakład Epidemiologii
- Centralne Laboratorium
- Pracownia Mikrobiologii
- Associate Professor Dorota Sands, MD, Ph.D., specialist in lung diseases and allergy,paediatrician
- Katarzyna Walicka-Serzysko, MD, Ph.D, specialist in lung diseases and paediatrics
- Katarzyna Zybert MD, Ph.D, specialist in paediatrics
- Justyna Milczewska, MD, specialist in paediatrics
- Joanna Jaworska, MD, specialist in paediatrics
Dietician in Cystic Fibrosis Clinic:
- Monika Mielus, Ph.D.
Dietician in Allergology, Cystic Fybrosis and Lung Diseases Unit:
- Małgorzata Surowiecka
- Urszula Borawska-Kowalczyk, Master's degree
Nurse in the Cystic Fibrosis Clinic:
- Ewa Bielińska
- Monika Gajda
- Bożena Trzecińska
Pursuant to the Organisational Rules of the Institute of Mother and Child (§55), the tasks of the Cystic Fibrosis Center include, in particular:
1) diagnosis and treatment of lung diseases in children, including cystic fibrosis. The Center is accredited for running a specialisation in children's lung diseases.
2) scientific research, clinical trials and R&D in the field of cystic fibrosis in children and adolescents.
Re. 1.
The Institute of Mother and Child (IMC) is the largest paediatric centre in Poland handling CF patients aged up to 18. More than 370 children with cystic fibrosis are currently in our care. This represents approx. 40% of the population of children with this disease in Poland.
The Center offers diagnosis and treatment through its Cystic Fibrosis Clinic as well as the Allergology, Cystic Fibrosis and Lung Disease Unit.
Our long-standing Sweat Test Lab provides services for patients from all over Poland, acting as a referral centre.
We conduct infant screening for cystic fibrosis, offering diagnostic tests, diagnosis and further specialised health care.
We offer multi-speciality care for cystic fibrosis patients, including outpatient treatment as well as hospitalisation in periods of exacerbated bronchopulmonary symptoms.
We offer pre-qualification and refer patients at the end stage of the bronchopulmonary disease to transplantation centres. We prepare patients for lung transplantation and offer follow-up health care.
Our Cystic Fibrosis Center consistently takes steps to establish a model referral centre for cystic fibrosis patients (a cystic fibrosis centre) in accordance with the current international standards.
Employees of the Center are actively involved in developing a multi-speciality care model for cystic fibrosis patients on the basis of its specialised unit as well as the Cystic Fibrosis Clinic. As cystic fibrosis affects multiple bodily organs and systems, patients need comprehensive and multi-speciality treatment including prevention and treatment of bronchopulmonary disease, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency therapy, nutritional therapy and treatment of CF complications. Apart from doctors and nurses, a nutritionist, a psychologist and a physiotherapist are permanently involved in treating CF patients. An individual treatment strategy for each patient is agreed at regular meetings of the multidisciplinary team.
Comprehensive outpatient care of CF patients helps to:
- improve the effectiveness of CF treatment based on currently applicable standards,
- reduce the number of hospitalisations caused by cystic fibrosis and its complications,
- extend the lifespan of CF patients.
Re. 2:
A) Current research topics:
– The impact of nutritional factors on bone mineral density in adolescents with cystic fibrosis.
– Epidemiology of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections among children with cystic fibrosis.
– Quality of life and occurrence of depression and anxiety symptoms among Polish CF patients and their caregivers: An international comparative study.
Two European projects have been completed, more are under preparation.
B) R&D tasks:
Participation in international multi-centre clinical trials on innovative drugs (at present, new inhaled antibiotics and pancreatic enzymes are under study).
The Center has many years of experience in clinical trials related to CF, with over 20 completed trials, which means that our patients have had access to state-of-the-art therapies.
Under construction.
Center history
The Institute of Mother and Child, together with the then regional unit in Rabka, established pioneering Polish cystic fibrosis treatment centres in 1960s.
The first clinic for CF patients, with sweat tests performed on an outpatient basis, was established at the IMC in Warsaw in 1965.
At present, the IMC takes care of over 400 CF patients under 18 years of age, providing multidisciplinary care. The Institute also co‑ordinates infant screening for CF around Poland.
Experienced specialists spare no effort to train new medical professionals, sharing their passion and experience gained over the years.
Under construction.
Under construction.
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Head of Clinic Associate Professor Dorota Sands, MD, Ph.D. 22 32 77 371 dorota.sands@imid.med.pl Lipsk Building, room 128 |
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Charge Nurse Ewa Bielińska, Monika Gajda 22 32 77 231 centrumcf@imid.med.pl Lipsk Building, room 25 |