Getting ready for labour
Labour at the Institute of Mother and Child is among medical services which are guaranteed under the National Health Fund in Poland (NFZ). Around two thousand babies are born annually at our Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic.
Hospital admission
Patients are admitted to the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic by a midwife in the Admissions Unit. The patient is directed to a specific unit after giving her history and going through a medical examination. Patients admitted to the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic are then asked to sign all necessary consent forms and documents. After completing the admission procedure, the patient is transferred by the midwife to a relevant unit.
We ask patients to report to the Admissions Room.
Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic of the Institute of Mother and Child
Necessary documents
Patients are asked to produce their documents when being registered in Admissions where also the preliminary interview is held to assess the patient's overall condition and obstetrics condition. Records collected throughout the pregnancy are used as additional sources of information by our medical personnel.
You will need the following:
- identity card or passport
- personal maternity record,
- results of tests performed during pregnancy (must be validated by the stamps of the examination clinic and medical professional who conducted the examinations):
- Blood type – only original document
- STDs
- Toxoplasmosis
- Morphology
- Cervical smear
- Urine test – general
- Cytomegalovirus
- All ultrasound scans, including the first and one made after the 36th week of pregnancy
- Other tests done during pregnancy – discharge forms from any earlier hospital stays during the current pregnancy.
- record cards from your previous hospital stays during pregnancy (if any).
Useful information to bring with you:
- Name, address and NIP (taxpayer ID) of the mother's employer,
- NIP and PESEL number of the mother
- NIP of the child's father's employer,
- Personal details (first name, surname, address, phone number) of the person to be notified, if necessary.
Things to put in your hospital bag
- 2–3 nightgowns – best made of cotton and with a front fastening
- Nursing bra
- Dressing gown
- Slippers
- Shower shoes
- Toiletries
- Bath towel
- Sanitary towels or maternity pads
- Disposable maternity briefs
- Your medications, if taken regularly
- Non-carbonated, pure water
It is a good idea to wear comfortable, casual, clean clothes and comfortable shoes.
Change for vending machines to pay for coffee, sandwiches, drinks.
For the baby:
- 4 cotton onesies or shirts
- 3 suits or sleepers
- 2 hats
- Gloves
- Socks
- Reusable (tetra) nappies (5 should be enough)
- Disposable nappies
- Swaddle wrap
- Baby blanket
- Hooded towel
- To leave – baby clothes depending on the season – a infant needs one more layer than an adult does.
Each IMC maternity unit has Nivea Baby available for use by every mother in maternity wards.
While we do not limit visitations, it is with the safety of the newborns in mind that we request persons with diseases to refrain from visiting. We also request young children not to be brought to visit.
Psychological care
Free psychological assistance can be obtained by any patient of the ward on weekdays between 8:00 am and 2:30 pm.
Spiritual support
Father Jerzy Panek is available by phone or in person every day, phone: +48 666 854 44.
While staying at the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic, patients receive three meals per day, whereas patients on a diabetic diet receive five meals. The meals are delivered by a contracted catering agency and are prepared in accordance with current dietary recommendations. The diet can be modified to accommodate the needs of patients with: food intolerances, phenylketonuria, coeliac disease as well as vegetarian, non-dairy and other diets.
Breakfast is served around 8:00 am, lunch around 1:00 pm, supper around 5:00 pm.
Nutrition of breastfeeding mothers
Proper nutrition during pregnancy and breastfeeding is one of the key factors influencing your baby's development. Dietary rules and tips for breastfeeding mothers are provided in the special information card developed by Institute of Mother and Child specialists.
Lactation tips
The midwives at the Obstetrics Unit have expertise to provide lactation assistance. In the case of more serious breastfeeding problems the IMC offers advice from lactation experts. After being discharged from the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Clinic, our patients can continue to receive free advice and assistance in difficult situations, a telephone appointment is required.
Lactation support and advice is also provided by IMC's Lactation Disorders Clinic.