Call for Paper Journal of Mother and Child Special Issue 2021
TITLE: New Insight in Prevention of Child and Adolescent Health Problems
Journal of Mother and Child
Editorial Board e-mail: journalofmotherandchild@imid.med.pl
The guest editors of this special issue:
PhD Dorota Kleszczewska, Instytut Matki i Dziecka Foundation. Main scientific interests: Factors determining adolescents’ health, the impact of environmental and social conditions on youth well-being. The influence of modern media on health behaviour of school aged children. Social media users. Internet as an effective tool in prevention programmes. The health literacy as a future of public health in general.
PhD Teresa dos Santos, Psychology and Behavioural Sciences, University of Europea. Main scientific interests: Clinical and Health Psychology; Psychosocial Variables in Psychological Adaptation to Chronic Diseases; Health Protection and Risk Factors; Promotion and Education for Psychological and Mental Health; Psychosocial Support Intervention Programs; Promotion of Personal and Socio-emotional Skills; Promotion of Healthy Habits and Lifestyles.
Dr hab. Joanna Mazur prof. UZ, Colegium Medicum, The University of Zielona Góra. Main scientific interests: advanced methods of statistical data analysis in epidemiological research and building health questionnaires, new areas of research, especially on the border of medical and social sciences. Main area of interest within the HBSC network is the analysis of students' health competences.
About the Special Edition:
Lately the increasing interest of academics, clinical and public health specialists as well as policy makers can be observed in the theme of adolescents’ health problems prevention. There is an increasing amount of analyses and researches on the effectiveness of implemented strategies and programs dedicated to the prevention of adolescent health problems. The experience of recent years shows that the methodological standards of such interventions have been continuously improved, which may favour the promotion of evidence-based approaches. At the same time, new possibilities of reaching children and youth and their environment (family, school, community) through modern media are opening up. In line with the youth engagement approach, young people can be not only a program recipient, but also a partner building this program. To this special issue of the Journal of Mother and Child, we invite authors of papers who would like to share their experiences related to the planning, construction and implementation of health promotion and prevention programs aimed at the developmental age population. Review articles, protocols of ongoing programs as well as results and description of experiences from programs already implemented may be submitted.
Key words: prevention, children, adolescents’ health, environment, physical activity, mental health, civilization diseases
Submission deadline: 15 JUNE 2021
Author Guidelines
You can find instruction for authors enclosed to this email and on journal’s website.